server information
Highground follows the standard FiveM ruleset to maintain a fair and positive community. We expect players to engage in high-quality roleplay, respect others, and avoid exploits or cheating. Our basic rules also apply to our discord server.
Basic Rules
- You must be 18 years old +
- English Only
- NO Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Sexism, Ant-Semitism, Ableism, Bullying.
- Respect other players / No harassment will be tolerated.
- Decent working microphone.
- Using glitches, hacks, or exploits will result in a swift ban. If you happen to come across a glitch or exploit, please report it.
- Voice changers are allowed, but under the condition you plan on always using the voice changer for that character. If you are doing illegal things, you may use a voice changer for disguise.
- You cannot perma another player's character unless there was an agreement between both parties.
- Players do not need your permission to perma their own character if it involves you.
- Don't be toxic! It is very easy to tell what is in-character and out-of-character.
- Don't tell other players how they should play their character, let them play it how they intend to.
- Reporting other players must be done through discord. (Please try to record the situation.)
- Never message staff unless told to do so! Make a ticket if you have anything that staff needs to help you with!
- Asking for a admin or dev role will lead to a permanent ban. We observe and know who could potentially receive those roles.
- This server is a place to escape and enjoy roleplay. Discussions, statements, or roleplay involving politics of any kind are strictly prohibited. Keep the focus on the server and the community. *NEW*
No Metagaming
- You cannot use any information you obtained from outside of playing your character. This also includes using information gained on one character and using it on another.
- No sniping! Don't use a stream to find the locations of another player or learn things they are learning (Meta). This ruins the experience for another player, which will not be tolerated.
- Ex. You are watching a Twitch streamer and learn where to get a hacking device. You cannot use this information. If you want to find things out, roleplay with other players and learn it organically.
- Ex. If one of your friends you play with tells you something through discord, you cannot use this information. You must learn it in character!
- No outside communication! All communication must be done in game!
No Power gaming
- Using mechanics (or roleplay-mechanics that do not have actual mechanics) in-game to gain an unnatural advantage over other players.
- You cannot make another character empty their bank accounts.
- No police corruption.
- Don't take advantage of other player's stuck in place because of in-game mechanics (Ex. Player grabbing cash at a bank robbery, and you shoot them because they were stuck in an animation).
- No chain robbing (Roleplay is more than robbing banks all day).
- No crime where there is a police response involved can happen 30 minutes before a server restart (Storm). You cannot use the storm as a free pass from possible jail time. If a interaction happens before the 30 minute mark, and continues until a restart, all parties must resume the interaction. So this means if you were in a cell, you must return to finish the interaction.
- You must value your life, and remember others also have a life
- Don't take jumps off of a mountain or any of the really big jumps found around the map.
- Some jumps are allowed as they help with a cool escape plan, but really look at the jump and decide if it would be too crazy or is this even practical.
- If someone pulls a gun on you and puts it to your head, pulling out yours or calling someone on your phone is considered NVL.
- Ex. You are talking to a friend at burgershot, and a person with a mask comes up and puts a gun to your head. He tells you to get in the car, and you run away while pulling out your gun.
- You cannot run around killing people for no reason. There must be a reason from roleplaying to kill someone.
- You will be perma banned for RDM.
- If a hostage, or victim obeys your commands you cannot kill them.
- You cannot kill anyone with your vehicle on purpose.
- Ex. You are driving by PDM and see people out on the sidewalk talking. You turn around and run them all over. This is VDM.
No Fail RP
- Not acting out your injuries to the medics. (Use '/me' to explain injuries, or act them out).
- Talking in a normal voice when downed.
- Changing clothes not in an apartment, house, or clothing store.
No OOC (Out-of-Character)
- Don't break character!
- If you witness a rule break, keep it quiet. If you are screaming ‘FAIL RP’ or I’m reporting you, you are ooc. - Record the situation and open a ticket in the discord.
- If you witness something considered rule breaking or harassment, create a ticket in our discord and it will be looked at. Staff will handle it accordingly.
NLR (New Life Rule)
- If you airlift (Hit 'E' to respawn), you cannot have any memory of anything about the situation that lead to your death.
- If you are downed, but not dead you can remember everything (Only if EMS or NPC doctor helps you on your feet, and your bleed out timer hasn't expired.)
- Do not respawn while in an active roleplay interaction.
- Do not return to an active interaction after receiving medical care at the hospital.
- You are NOT forced to airlift! If there are police /911 or EMS /311 available. They can help you out! The timer means absolutely nothing other than the new life rule.
- If you get picked up during a scene before your bleed out, you can resume.
- Enough said right?? Leave it in your dms..
Robbing Players
- Don’t make it a sport, no chain robbing players.
- You cannot make players take money out of their bank account.
- Your group cannot exceed 4 members for crimes.
- You can gather with an unlimited number of people. But if crime is to happen, groups of 4 must split off and do their own thing.
- No chase cars on any criminal activities except car boosting, in which there can only be 1 chase car.
- Only involve people who wanna be involved. Investigate the situation and tie evidence to faces.
- 15 maximum in a gang.
- Only 8 members of a gang can do medium and high tier crimes at a time.
- This means only 8 members can be participating in robberies, heists, etc. Others, outside the 8 may do crafting, selling, and other low tier crime.
- The 4 player rule still stands for gangs at the moment.
- No shoot on sight (Unless there is ongoing war between parties).
- Only in their territories (no gang beef in zones not run by one or both of the gangs).
- Set end conditions for wars.
- Have real consequences and penalties for gang activities.
- If participating in gang activities, understand that anything the gang might control is not guaranteed to remain in that gangs control.
- No tolerance for any kind of baiting. This goes for any role you play on the server.
- You should NEVER use /911 or /311 to bait police or EMS. We will not tolerate these actions.
- Let police RP with other players. Don't interfere with scenes that you originally are not part of.
Green Zones
- Police Stations: Act as if there is always 20+ officers around at all times. Don't go shooting up a police station because there's "Only 1 cop online"
- Hospitals: Act as if there is a ton of staff and security around at all times. Don't be trying to rob someone or take someone hostage in the hospital - this can get very power gamey and not RP friendly.
- Alta Apartments: Try not to rob people or take hostages from here - we don't want to spoil someone's first visit to the city by getting robbed 2 minutes into their stay.
- If RP is brought to these locations - it does NOT have to stop just because "Green zone". Fleeing to a green zone does not protect you from previous actions/consequences of RP. If a situation is on-going, and you try to use a green zone as a way to get out of the RP - that will be considered power gaming.
No Server Poaching Rule
- We have a strict policy against server poaching. This means you are not allowed to use Highground’s members or resources to recruit players for another server or community.
- Any evidence of poaching, including but not limited to direct recruitment efforts, advertising of other servers, or attempting to transfer players away from Highground, will result in an immediate permanent ban from our server.
- We are committed to maintaining a strong, dedicated community, and any attempt to undermine this will not be tolerated.
As a business owner on Highground, you play a critical role in shaping the server's economy and creating unique roleplay opportunities.
To ensure fairness and maintain high-quality roleplay, the following rules apply:
One Business Per Player
- Players may own and operate only one business at a time. This rule ensures equal opportunities for all players to engage with server features.
Waiting Period for New Players
- New players cannot join the server and instantly receive a business or have anything custom-built for them to run.
- There is a mandatory waiting period of 1–2 months after joining the server before applying for a business.
- Approval will depend on your roleplay quality and how well you integrate into the community.
Switching Businesses
- Switching to a new business requires admin approval and is subject to specific conditions, which will be discussed if a request is made.
Commitment to Roleplay
- Business ownership requires active participation. While perfection isn’t expected, players should be genuinely involved in running their business and contributing to the community's roleplay experience.
No Wasting Resources
- Building out businesses requires time and effort from the dev team. Requests to switch businesses or open new ones will be carefully reviewed to prevent unnecessary work for players who may not use the business consistently.
Compliance with Server Rules
- All business operations must align with Highground Roleplay’s general server rules, including maintaining roleplay standards, fairness, and avoiding exploits.
At Highground, assets are an integral part of the server’s development and roleplay experience.
To ensure consistency and fairness, the following rules apply to purchasing and requesting assets for use within the server:
Pre-Approval for Asset Purchases
- Any asset requested or purchased for use on the server must be confirmed with the dev team before making a purchase. This ensures the asset aligns with the server’s goals and technical requirements.
Paid Assets as Donations
- Any paid assets purchased for the server are considered donations. As such, once purchased, these assets cannot be refunded or transferred for any reason. This includes any custom models, textures, or other in-game assets.
No IRL Brands
- All assets must be IRL brand-free. We are actively working to ensure that there are no real-life brand logos, trademarks, or references used within the server. This is to avoid copyright and legal issues and maintain a unique, immersive roleplay environment.
Asset Quality and Relevance
- The dev team will review and approve assets to ensure they meet the quality standards required for the server. Only assets that enhance the roleplay experience and fit within the server’s theme will be considered.
There are no formal staff applications for Highground. We do not accept or review staff applications through requests.
Please do not ask about staff positions, as we will not entertain or respond.
1. Have you read all of Highground's rules at this time?
2. If so, please define what our New Life Rule (NLR) is in your own words:
3. Highground is an 18+ environment. Are you at least 18 years of age or older?
4. What time zone are you in?
5. Do you have any interest in joining the LSPD or EMS team?
6. Explain in your own words what Meta Gaming and Power Gaming is.
7. What does roleplay mean to you?
8. Do you have any experience with roleplaying? If yes, please explain. (New role players are always welcome, we would just like to know what everyone's experience's are and where their expectations may come from.)
9. How did you hear about Highground?
10. When is it okay to break character?
11. Do you plan on live-streaming while in the city?
12. What is your character name?
13. Does your character have a backstory? If so, what is it?